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Meet the Governors

Our Governors

Fiona Gordon (Chair)
LA Governor
Finance & Personnel, Quality of Education Committee (Clerk)
Link Governor Safeguarding / SCR & Science

Anne Bryson (Vice Chair)
Foundation Governor
Ethos & Quality of Education Committee
Link Governor Art, DT, Music, Happiness Heroes, Attendance

Alex Davis
Foundation Governor
Finance & Personnel Committee
Link Governor Health & Safety & Maths


Amy Cholefko
Foundation Governor
Ethos Committee (Clerk)

Link Governor RE




Amanda Horniman
Foundation Governor
Quality of Education Committee (Chair)
Finance & Personnel Committee (Clerk)
Link Governor SEND, Pupil Premium & EYFS

Jeremy Rebbeck
Foundation Governor
Ethos Committee
Link Governor SIAMs & Health & Safety


Beth Davis
Foundation Governor
Ethos Committee (Chair)
Link Governor SIAMs & Science

Rev Lara Bloom
Ex Officio Governor
Priest in charge of St John the Baptist Church, Huntley

Ethos Committee
Link Governor Staff Well-being


Jo Rich
Parent Governor
Finance & Personnel Committee (Chair)
Link Governor English & Phonics, Forest School, Website

Lara Gillman
Parent Governor
Quality of Education Committee
Link Governor Maths



Ella Curtis

Belinda Andrews

Heidi Walding 
Clerk to the Governing Body

Contact Us

The Role of the Governing Body

The school has an active Governing Body comprised of parents, staff, church and community representatives. The Governors have four main roles: strategic planning, support and monitoring, finance, and upholding the Christian ethos of our school.

Strategic Planning

We plan with the staff leadership team for the strategic development and improvement of the school. This is both in physical terms, with regard to the development of the site and facilities, and in terms of the development of the school’s ethos and the curriculum.

Support and Monitoring

We support, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school. This is sometimes referred to as the role of a ‘critical friend’. We ask clear, useful and challenging questions about the way things are done and the reasons for them being done that way. This also involves setting the policy framework for the school and monitoring the implementation of policies as managed and carried out by the Head Teacher and staff, as well as holding the school to account for the standards achieved and the quality of education provided.


We hold the school to account for the handling of its finances, which includes both planning for long term spending and setting and monitoring the annual budget and funds.

Christian Ethos

We have Foundation Governors who have a particular responsibility for supporting and developing the Christian character of the school as a Church of England School. All members of the Governing Body are aware of and nurture our Church School distinctiveness.


We meet at least four times a year as a Full Governing Body and have three committees with different areas of responsibility, that meet separately:

Ethos Committee

  • SIAMs
  • Christian Distinctiveness
  • School/Christian values
  • Personal Development and Behaviour

Finance and Personnel Committee

  • Staffing
  • Budget
  • Financial Management
  • Service Contracts

Quality of Education Committee

  • Curriculum
  • Data


In addition to these main committees, there is a small panel of governors which oversees the Head Teacher’s development, and other working parties which are set up to address certain areas as and when necessary. Monitoring and data analysis of the school’s performance is ongoing and is a constant focus for the Governing Body as a whole, as is the curriculum, pupils’ outcomes, SEND, safeguarding and challenge.

Governor Attendance 2023-24

Our Governors

Our Governing Body is made up of Foundation Governors (appointed by the Diocese of Gloucester), Parent Governors (elected by parents and carers), Staff Governors (elected by the staff), the Head Teacher, a Local Authority Governor (appointed by the Governing Body) and a Clerk. The term of office for elected governors is 4 years. 


The governors believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

Due to our relatively small governing board, we will not publish diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

Governing Body 2024-25

Category of Governor Name Date Appointed Term Ends Roles & Responsibilities Committee Membership
Appointed by Diocese 
Alex Davis 01/11/2022
31/10/2026 Health & Safety
Finance & Personnel
Amy Cholefko 01/09/2021 31/08/2025 RE Ethos (Clerk)
Anne Bryson 01/01/2021 31/12/2024 Vice Chair
Happiness Heroes
Quality of Education
Jeremy Rebbeck 01/06/2021 31/05/2025 SIAMs
Health & Safety
Amanda Horniman 01/05/2023 30/04/2027 SEND
Pupil Premium
Quality of education SDP/Foundation Subjects
Quality of Education (Chair)
Finance & Personnel (Clerk)
Beth Davis 01/02/2024 31/01/2028 SIAMs
Ethos (Chair)
Ex-Officio Rev. Lara Bloom 31/10/2017 N/A SIAMs
Staff Wellbeing
Elected (unopposed)
Jo Rich
10/09/2023 09/09/2027 English & Phonics
Forest School
Finance & Personnel (Chair)
Lara Gillman 18/10/2023 17/10/2027 Maths Quality of Education
Nominated by LA approved by Full Governing Board (FGB)
Fiona Gordon 06/07/2023 05/07/2027 Chair of Governors
Safeguarding / SCR
Finance & Personnel
Quality of Education (Clerk)
Belinda Andrews 01/09/2024 31/08/2028    
Head Ella Curtis 01/09/2018 N/A Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Ethos
Facilities Working Party

Finance & Personnel
Quality of Education
Clerk to the Governors Heidi Walding 13/11/2023 N/A    

All Governors are responsible for Behaviour & Attitudes and Leadership & Management in the School Development Plan (SDP)

Declaration of Interests 2024-25

Name Relevant business/personal interests Other Educational Establishments Governed?


Alex Davis None No No
Amanda Horniman None No No
Amy Cholefko Member of PTFA and Teaching Assistant at Huntley C of E School. No No
Anne Bryson None No No
Beth Davis None No No
Ella Curtis Headteacher at Huntley C of E School No No
Fiona Gordon Nursery Manager at Tibberton Early Years No No
Jeremy Rebbeck None No No
Jo Rich Careers Lead at Forest of Dean Trust
Member of Huntley C of E School PTFA 
BG & LD Rich
No No
Lara Gillman None No No
Rev Lara Bloom None No No
Belinda Andrews Teacher at Huntley C of E School No No

Term Ended or Stepped Down in the last 12 Months

Governors whose term has ended or who have
stepped down in the last 12 months




Sheralee Bramley 01/09/20 - 31/08/2024

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