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Our Community

St. John the Baptist Church, Huntley

Our school/church links are an important part of life at Huntley C of E Primary School. Our priorities for this year are:

Prayer: embedding both formal and spontaneous prayer throughout the school community so that this way of expressing faith becomes part of our ethos.

Developing areas for spiritual reflection: both within the school, outside in the school grounds and a dedicated area within the church. The photos below are of our Spiritual Area in the Playground.

Pupils painting of our school in our outdoor spiritual area

Outdoor wooden structure which is used as our spiritual area

Colourful painting of rolling hills and a river by our pupils in our spiritual area

Collective worship: a review of collective worship to ensure that it is interactive and engaging.

In worship at the beginning of Anti-bullying week we talked about hurtful behaviour and speaking out. We celebrated the fact that we are unique and different by wearing odd socks for Odd Sock Day.

Whole school sitting down in the hall for worship during anti bullying week

Throughout the year we also plan Experience Events in church, have special services and visits to the church to enrich the RE curriculum.  We also welcome our vicar, Lara to our weekly merit assembly and to lead collective worship once every half-term.

Our Stained Glass Window of the church in the Entrance

In September the children wrote letters and prayers for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll and her family. These were displayed in the Church. Please see our Photo Gallery

Cover of Class Estuary's Book with a picture of Queen Elizabeth ll

Pupils singing Christmas CarolsOn 26th Nov 2022 the children sang carols at May Hill Christmas Market.

The children sang so beautifully that they have been asked to perform with the Newent Choral Society at their next performance.


Links with Kenya

Kisima Newsletter May 2023

Meet Margaret

Margaret attends Kisima School in Maina. We sponsor Margaret's place so that she can attend school. The money raised by our toast bar all goes towards sponsoring a student every year.


Meet Josphat 

A picture of Josphat in his school uniform

Josphat also attended the Kisima School in Maina. Josphat wrote to us regularly, really enjoyed school and did very well. Here is one of his reports.

Josphat's Report

Page 1 of a letter from Josphat to us

Page 2 of a letter from Josphat to us


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