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Parents & Children

Ocean - Year 6

Welcome to Class Ocean where you will find Miss Etheridge, Year 6 and of course our resident guinea pigs: Snickers and Jellybean.

In Class Ocean we enjoy challenging ourselves and aim to be confident and independent learners.

We follow the Year 6 National Curriculum and, each term, we enjoy school trips to compliment our topics. During our first weeks of Year 6 we visit the Isle of Wight for a week long residential. 

We take part in sports competitions such as netball, football, tag-rugby, cricket, gymnastics and bell boating.

In Class Ocean, we enjoy being role models and have many responsibilities around school such as being buddies to reception children, completing duties during our daily worship and leading events as house captains and school councillors.

Snickers and Jellybean - our class guinea pigs

Our class guinea pigs: Snickers who is longhaired, black, white and tan and Jellybean who is shorthaired, caramel in colour with red eyes

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